4 Common Mistakes to Avoid for Slow Website Loading

In the virtual world, a website is the base of any business. Your website is the platform through which your customers can know your product, services and offers. In the 21st century, no business is successful without utilizing the website in a way to approach potential clients. Small business and sometimes even big brands neglect the importance of their website loading speed which makes them lose a lot of profit.
The competition of getting more clients through digital marketing is getting draggy. A lot of efforts that you do for SEO & SEM for your website to engage clients can all get vanished by a little negligence towards your website loading speed.  updates, the WebCrawler not only check the downtimes, broken links but also check for the loading speed of your website. The slow speed can badly affect the SEO of your site.
With the passage of time, people want everything quick and fast. No matter how much discount offers you are giving or how big your brand is if your website is slow everyone will hate you. Standard website speed changes to two seconds from eight seconds, this indicates how quick the customer needs a website to get loaded. No one wants to ruin their efforts, time and money just because of the website slow speed. After analyzing the different problems of website, this blog comes up addressing common mistakes that create hurdle in loading the websites.

Poor Server Performance 

The server is an important part that makes your website visible to the visitors. It works similarly just like a car when the key is entered the engine needs to get a start, similarly when someone clicks the link the server gets started. The poor server can take a long time to start, no matter how good your website is, a poor start won’t get you a potential customer. The top reasons are
  • Unreliable Host: Usually small businesses prefer cheap prices for which they choose cheap hosting without knowing their server performance.
  • Wrong Hosting Package: Sometimes the credibility of the host is good but the package you choose won’t cover your needs. Always go for dedicated server hosting packages to ensure the speed and security of your essential data.
  • Server Location: Choose the local host for your website hosting. If your customer opens your website in japan and your server is located in America, then maybe it will take a bit long time.

Extra Large Images

Images are good for your SEO but it can also create a hurdle for your website loading speed. The extra-large images that not only attract customers but also make your website more attractive can also let your website speed to slow down. Avoid a lot of large images on your website also the formats like TIFF & BMP which take a long duration to get upload.

Text Graphics

Using the complicated text graphic can also affect your website loading speed. Always go for the simple font alternative that not only makes your website look decent but increase the overall speed of your website.

Outdated CMS 

The content management system is a great tool to manage your website. Majority of businesses use Drupal, WordPress or Wix to manage their website. The popups that suddenly appeared in the screens are generally neglected. Those popups indicate that you need an update which is probably due to some type of error that is resolved. The outdated CMS will affect not only your website loading speed but the security of your essential data.

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